
Office Profile


建築設計、インテリアデザイン、コーディネーションに至るまでトータルで手がける。個人邸、又は各大手ディベロッパーの最高級物件のコンセプトからプランニング、ランドスケープデザイン、ファサードデザイン、プランニング、カラースキム、共有部のデザイン、コーディネーションに至るまで一貫して手掛け、日本の高級住宅のあり方を変える大きな一歩とした。 家具デザインでは、イタリアの老舗家具会社「Ceccotti Collezione」より「KOBAKO」を世界に向けて発売。商業空間では室町和久傳、玄冶店濱田家東京ミッドタウン店等、代々継がれていく和の老舗や茶室の設計など日本建築も手掛ける。近年中国、香港にも活動の場を広げ、中国では10万m²の万科五街坊プロジェクトにて外観、内観ともに手掛け新しい住文化を提案した。

Hiroko Ashihara’s Profile Born in Tokyo. Graduated from the Department of Housing and Architecture, Faculty of Human Sciences and Design, Japan Women’s University.
Established Hiroko Ashihara Design Office.
Ashihara has been engaged in a variety of projects where she provides architectural design, interior design and spatial integration.
From individual residences to high-end condominiums, she has been involved in every phase of each project, from conceptualizing, planning, landscape design, façade design, and color schemes, to design of the common spaces and spatial integration, thus innovating the way luxury residences in Japan are created.
Ashihara’s furniture line Kobako is produced and sold globally from Ceccotti Collezione, a venerable Italian furniture maker.
She has also created many commercial space designs, including for established Japanese restaurants such as Muromachi Wakuden in Kyoto, Genyadana Hamadaya at Tokyo Midtown in Roppongi, Tokyo, as well as tea ceremony pavilions that will be inherited for generations to come.
Ashihara has increasingly been engaged in projects in China and Taiwan. For the Wu Jie Fang Project developed by Vanke, the largest residential real estate developer, she created exterior and interior designs that propose a new way of living in China.

Office Profile


President:Hiroko Ashiahra
Established:March 13, 2003

■ 建築及びインテリアの企画・設計・監理及びコンサルティング

■ 家具・カーテン・インテリア用品の企画・設計・製作・販売・監理及びコンサルティング

■ テキスタイルデザインの企画・コンサルティング
■ グラフィックデザインの企画・コンサルティング

Services Provided:

■ Planning, design, supervision and consulting in architectural and interior design

■ Planning, design, manufacturing, sales, supervision and consulting for interior furnishings such as furniture, curtains, etc.